Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finish our PHD video recording.. =)

On thursday 22nd October 2009, we have finished our PHD group project - Video Recording.. Any topics about human development..=)

We were very hectic for about few days from monday till thursday.. non-stop recording our video.. and also non-stop NG.. XD
Last day, thursday was the swmming pool scene.. After finish recording, we were very happy and excited.. Because finally can finish our video recording d.. =)
Some of our members straight away jumped into the swiMMing pool to swim..

At night, we went to steamboat restaurant to have our dinner.. It's just beside Pure Bar.. One of the famous pub in Malacca.. XD

Phoebe, JM, and Jay..


Me aNd Sugar.. she's a model.. =)

That boy is our Director.. xD

Oopz.. am I too cool ? hahaz..

Surrounding by lenglui.. XDD

All of us.. =)

Something there?

My 3 lenglui classmates.. =D

hehe.. funny pose in fRont of pure bar.. XD

Jay.. our main actor in the video.. XDD

wow.. we doing nonsense.. buahahahaaz

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Finally, today the results of last trimester has been released..
haiz.. so disappointed.. cant get good results.. I only get gpa with 3.53 although passed all subjects..
My buddies they all get very good results.. Ray-3.74, Tony-3.73, boonsheng-3.8(the highest),penguin(3.67).. All of them get first class.. onLy myself get second upper.. So disappointed with myself.. haizzz..
Anyway, I need to work harder for New trimester.. no more playing.. no more gaming.. no more clubbing.. =)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Home Town-ing (Alor Setar) XDD

哈喽。。大家好。。我很久没update我的部落格了。。哈哈 上星期四才刚考完final。。虽然很爽,但也很闷。。没东西做。。==" 我乘搭星期四晚上十点的巴士回AS。。到达AS时大概星期五半夜四点多。。XD
大约六点半左右,载了两个sg gia(博俊和炜翰)后,就去我的ex-中学了。。看见了我的ex-校友们,我感到sipek sipek(十分十分)开心与兴奋。。=) 因为很久没看到他们了。。addy,德凯,阿kee,向阳,楚净,嘉俊,阿培,阿neng,等等。。。全部留长发了,变帅了。。哈哈哈。。muakkz..

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Its time to Sing K.. xDD

Oopzz.. I went sing K with my classmates few days ago on Wednesday..
I was very delighted and excited.. xD
Because that day my ex-classmate caMe back..
She is Sze Yuan.. Before studied same claSS with me..
but now have gone to Johor to study..
So, after class I had hung out with Sze Yuan.. Besides, alSo with my another two classmates..
They weRe YongQing and QiaoBoon.. hehe..
We weNt to DP(Dataran Pahlawan) to sing K at Dream Box.. =D
Here some pictures..

Sze Yuan..

She is Qiao Boon..

He is Yong Qing...

singing.. hehe..

All of us.. xD

Monday, August 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home..

I reached AS at 2 days ago.. on saturday.. The distaNce between Melaka and Alor Setar needs boUt 500km++ like that.. DAMN.. it Has taken bout 11 hours liKe that to reAch my hometown.. but it has the reason..cauSe veRy jam when the bus stopped in kl and butterwoRth!! what the egg..
wheN i arrived my houSe already 8pm ==
tiRed till.......... duNNO how to describe..
BUT.. after tHat i weNt to meeT some of my buddies at DP (medan selera)..muahahaha..
so haPPy to see theM.. they are cchun, kyuan, speh, bakneng, syang, ckiat aNd so on..
ah Peh wit me.. xD
cHun aNd peh..

After that, me, kiat, yuaN, and syang went to as maLL..
snooker~~ yeah~~ loNg time didn't touch the cue d..
so miSS it.. xD
betWeen 4 of us, ah kiAt was the one that alwaYs missed cue..
cauSe he duNNo to play wat.. muahahahaa..
However, we also teacHed him abit how to pLay.. hehe..

He's ah kiAt.. ==
Me and ah kiAt.. =p

Saturday, July 18, 2009


没事做.. 多数人都回hometown.. 还好"一些人"没回.. XD
今天早上八点左右,跟我的housemates佰鸣和诗鸿去了打篮球... 瓦老的.. 竟然没进到球... 唉.. 老了..球技变差了..
回到ixora后, 冲个凉... 就躺在我温暖又舒服的单人床睡个觉了..
睡醒后, 肚子感到饿饿的.. 便冲个杯面来吃...
下午时, 便做功课一下.. 做完后, 也是没事做.. 便玩CS一下..还好CS的技巧没退步.. 哈哈..
晚餐还不懂要吃什么..但现在要跟朋友出去找吃了.. 掰掰..

Friday, July 17, 2009


Waking up i see everything is ok
The first time in my life
and now it's so great
Slowing down and I look around
and I am so amazed
I think about the little thins
that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

* This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe
not a single tear
The first time in my life
and now it's so clear
Feel calm i belong
I am so happy here
It's so strong
and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

repeat *

It's the state of bliss you think
you're dreeaming
It's the hapiness inside
that you're feeling
It's so beautiful
it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful
it makes you cry

repeat *

Saturday, July 11, 2009

What a Tired day..

I reached Pudu bout 5 something like tHat.. after that i took lRt from plaza rakyat to Masjid jAmek..CoincideNtally, that momeNt was the time people just finish woRKIng.. DAMN.. so many people.. need to crowd with tHem inside the lrt.. When arrived Masjid JameK, I changed to kelana jaya line for goiNg back to kelana jaya.. after that, I boarded rapid kl(bus) to sunway to meet my god bro-Devin.. hahaha..
What the *, inside the rapid buS i also need to stANd and crowd with peOple.. I stand till legs also numb d..@@Finally, I reached sunway pyramid bout 7.10pm like that.. then I went to find Devin d..Oh yeaH.. my god brO belaNja me makan.. hahahaz.. We went to eAt The Manhattan Fish Market.. so nice.. but we cant finiSh the food that we ordered.. arghh~ so waste..

My god bro Devin..=p


OMG.. waSted.. Me aNd Devin.. xD

We agaiN.. ==

AfterwaRd, Devin drove aNd put me at Mid Valley cause I wanna meet my sis at there... Thankz bro.. and alSo the dinner.. terima kaSih.. hahaha.. After met my sis, she let Me to fetcH her by driving her cAr.. hehehe.. I Drove from Mid Valley back to Damansara.. wow~ I drove 110km/h on the road.. syok man.. felt liKe no feeling one.. wakakaa..
after reached home, I felt very tired d.. zzz.. after bathing and brushiNg, then sms awhile..hehe, I went to bed and started to dream d.. hahaha.. nitezz..

Thursday, July 9, 2009


明天应该是会先去找我干哥-张永翔...哈哈..他在双威(Sunway University College)读书哦...他第一年拿CAT..现在应该是第二年了..读着ACCA..好料吧?哈哈..
好了..不说了.. 明天再聊...哈哈.. 晚安..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


暧昧让人受尽委屈..找不到相爱的证据... 哈哈..
不懂几时开始的,对她有了飞由.. 那种感觉不懂怎么形容..
而且还每天跟她聊天.. 真开心.. 哈哈哈.. 但不懂该怎么做.. 因为她已有波爱了..
不想去破坏人家.. 但也不一定可以破坏到的.. ==
神啊!救救我吧!! @_@

Thursday, July 2, 2009

EASON is cool maN..

Fu-YoH~!! Just now I have seen Eason... so syOk man.. kekez..
After i had my dinner at Ixora's food court, then me and my classmAtes walked to mmu..
When we reaChed the Main Hall, it is alreAdy "people mountain people sea"... Lots of people queue up at there d.. @_@
After exhanged the ticKets with our vouchers, we Also started to queue up.. Luckily, we din queue on behiNd.. We can say were at the froNt but near middle.. Do yoU know wat i sayiNg??haha..
Walao eh... we sTarted to wait since 7.05PM.. waited till 8.30PM like that theY just gave us go insiDe the Main Hall.. ==
MaNy people la... o.O

The entrance ticket.. =p
Before Eason came out, the host had seleCted three students to sing Eason's new songs from from the new aLbum-H3M... They were Two boys and a girl.. the boy weaRing white Tshirt and with a Spec had won cause sang Eason's song with his nice and "high" voice.. Clap for him... =D

When Eason appeared on tHe stage, everyOne started to Scream at the TOp of their voice..
So high man.. xD The first song Eason sang was 七百年后 (after 700years)... Damn nice.. His voice so pOwerful..keke..
Eason aNd the host..

EASON is veRy playful...^^

The host aNd a leng lui stAff..^^
The host again..==
I alSo helped my classmates to geT his signature.. Cause they weRe lazy to wait aNd queueup..@_@
haha.. but nvM la.. Cause can shake hand with EASON.. worth it.. keke..