OOps.. ReceNtly abit busy leh.. many assigntments and hoMeworks to do..
So, I have stopped blOgging for quite a loNg time.. bout 2 weekz like that... kakax..
Anyway, this weekeNd also stay at Ixora only.. didnt back to Damansara.. haha..
maNy of my clAssmates back to their reSpective hometown.. I think they almoSt every weekend also back their hoMEtown de lu.. cause veRy near only.. like JB, Negeri Sembilan...
they are totallY get serious homesick.. @_@
So, I have stopped blOgging for quite a loNg time.. bout 2 weekz like that... kakax..
Anyway, this weekeNd also stay at Ixora only.. didnt back to Damansara.. haha..
maNy of my clAssmates back to their reSpective hometown.. I think they almoSt every weekend also back their hoMEtown de lu.. cause veRy near only.. like JB, Negeri Sembilan...
they are totallY get serious homesick.. @_@